Built-in AI, analytics and intelligent process automation
Memory-based database and simplified data model
Capacities and best practices for a wide range of sectors
Consumer-level user experience and easily accessible personalized analytics
Built-in AI, analytics and intelligent process automation
Memory-based database and simplified data model
Capacities and best practices for a wide range of sectors
Consumer-level user experience and easily accessible personalized analytics
SAP S / 4HANA Cloud is a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with built-in intelligent technologies, including MI, machine learning, and advanced analytics. It helps companies adopt new business models, manage business change quickly, align internal and external resources, and harness the predictive power of artificial intelligence. Enjoy the benefits of tight, native integration between processes, industry detail, and a consistent in-memory data model.
Enable quick, confident use of new features
Hundreds of companies in Hungary have to switch to the latest version of SAP, S4 HANA ERP, by 2027!

Take advantage of the opportunities
Beneficial in terms of revenue
Continuous growth with new digital business models and fully automated processes.

Take advantage of the opportunities
Beneficial in terms of revenue
Continuous growth with new digital business models and fully automated processes.
The engine of industry transformation

Ahhoz, hogy helyesen válasszon az SAP RISE és a Grow with SAP között, elengedhetetlen, hogy alaposan felmérje cége speciális igényeit. Mindenekelőtt mérlegelnie kell a fő célt: ha a felhőre való átállásra összpontosít, akkor az SAP RISE lehet a legjobb választás, míg a Grow with SAP megfelelőbb lehet, ha megoldást keres a növekedés és az innováció ösztönzésére.
További fontos szempontok a költségvetés és a rendelkezésre álló erőforrások: az SAP RISE nagyobb kezdeti befektetést igényelhet a felhőbe való átálláshoz, míg a Grow with SAP folyamatos befektetést igényelhet a növekedés és az innováció támogatása érdekében.
Összefoglalva, az SAP RISE and Grow with SAP egyedülálló megoldásokat és előnyöket kínál a digitális átalakulást kívánó vállalatok számára. A megalapozott döntés meghozatalához tanácsos alaposan felmérni a fejlesztésre szoruló funkcionális területeket, mérlegelni a költségvetést és a rendelkezésre álló forrásokat, és konzultálni a Techwave Hungary Zrt. szakértőivel.
SAP S4 HANA capabilities
Discover the cloud ERP software for every business need
SAP S4 HANA capabilities
SAP HANA new implementation or conversion
Green field
Brown field
Blue field
completely new installation
Activate methodology
best practice loading
gap analysis master data conversion
customization and opening data migration
ECC6 conversion, both for master data and documents, for stable processes without the need for data cleansing
ECC6 conversion, only personalization and the strictly necessary master data associated with it conversion
Advantage: clean sheet, processes can be rethought
Disadvantage: the hassle of introducing a completely new system, migration, etc.,
Advantage: in principle, the function is the same
Disadvantage: it is not necessarily possible for a function to be the same, it does not include data cleansing, everything comes through when it needs to, if not, the difficulty of the past data and process remains.
Advantage: in principle the function is the same, but the processes can be rethought to a certain extent (not recommended due to complexities only if the existing processes stable)
Disadvantage: can't function the same necessarily due to version difference. Attempting on processes can ultimately result in a full or partial BPR that can fail as a task during the project.
S4 HANA conversion

If your company is already using SAP ERP system and have already thought about the S4 HANA conversion, we have great news for you! Techwave has developed a 15-steps, full conversion accompanying support and funding package.
Our company with 23 years of experience will accompany you through the entire conversion process. Our goal is to provide our customers with:
They know why you should switch
They can prepare in time
The best decision is made
They can really try the new system
All professionals must be booked in a timely manner
Do not apply for the full cost at once
If you are interested, please fill out the form below
Our colleagues will contact you within 12 hours at one of the contact details you provided.
Thank you for your attention!